Today’s Thoughts – 15 October 2020
By T. S. Candee on October 15, 2020 in First Timothy Thoughts
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
The question today is this: “Do you pray?” You might say: “Yes, I pray every day!” Well, that’s wonderful. Now the follow-up question is this: “Do you pray for your government?”
This is a timely message for our age. With issues in the government, leaders that don’t lead according to the Word of God, and turmoil in our societies and cities, it is important – may I say needful – that we pray for those in office.
Times of political and social upheaval are excellent times in which to die for Christ, but hard times in which to live for Him.
There are many offices in our government that ranging from the high office of the President to many local offices that are just as important and impactful. Paul tells Timothy before all other instructions for the church that prayer is “first of all.” Prayer must take place first before any change is ever expected to happen.
Paul even gives a guide on how to pray. You show thankfulness, ask for help, and intercede for others. But this is to “be made for all men.” Paul then goes right into praying for kings and those in authority. For us, those are people in governmental leadership. It does not matter if you agree with their stance on a certain subject or issue. You and I are commanded by God to pray for them.
You may be asking: “Why should I pray for a person who doesn’t hold the same values as I do?” The reason is simple and given to us in 1 Timothy 2:2. It is so that “we may lead a quiet and peaceable life.” A possible result of prayer for a governmental leader is a change in their heart and a realization that they should be leading according to the Word of God.
Leading a quiet life is an outward impact. No riots, no looting, and no violence around us. Leading a peaceable life is an inward impact, mainly, that you have peace and are not troubled from within. When you watch the news and are distressed about what is going on in our country, that is your inward response. With prayer, that inward impact is changed from distress to peace.
And finally, a reason why we should pray for those in authority is to plead for their salvation. The will of God is that “all men… be saved.” Now, not every person in the world is going to be saved. But our duty is to pray that someone goes and tells them the gospel (maybe you) and that they may be saved.
Christ died for “all men,” and God is willing for “all men to be saved.”
If those in government were saved and living according to the will of God in their lives, we all would have quiet and peaceful lives. That is not the case. And so for us to have quiet and peaceful lives, we must come to God in prayer – praying for those in authority that they may lead according to His will and may receive salvation one day.