A Great Work

A Great Work

By T. S. Candee on May 13, 2022 in The Power of Prayer

It was said that Augustus Caesar found Rome a city of wood and left it a city of marble. The pastor who succeeds in changing his congregation from non-prayers, to prayer-filled people, has done a greater work than Augustus did. This is the major work of the preacher.

His main business is to turn people from being forgetful about God, into people who habitually pray, believe in God, and do His will. The preacher is not sent simply to get them to do better. He is sent to get them to pray, to trust God, and to keep their eyes on God.

The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.

Psalm 10:4
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T. S. Candee

T. S. Candee works at Central Baptist Church as the Media Director. He is also being mentored for full-time Christian service

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