Today’s Thoughts – 22 September 2020

Today’s Thoughts – 22 September 2020

By T. S. Candee on September 22, 2020 in John Thoughts

And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha

John 19:17

Jesus fulfilled many prophecies while he hung on the cross. The guards divided His garments and cast lots for His vesture (Psalm 22:8). They crucified Him between two thieves (Isaiah 53:12). But also, the gospels tell us that as people walked by Golgotha, they railed on Jesus, wagged their heads, and mocked Him (Mark 15:29-32).

When you read Psalm 22, you see how David used the image of animals to describe the people who persecuted our Lord: bulls (Psalm 22:12), lions (Psalm 22:13, 21), and dogs (Psalm 22:16, 20). When men reject their Lord, they become like animals.

As saved children of God, you can look at the cross and the sacrifice Jesus made for us as a symbol of love, hope, and salvation. But as a lost person, you may look at the cross as a symbol of judgment. Because without Christ, you will go to an eternal lake of fire – wholly separated from God forever. When you reject the Lord, you open yourself to let the devil have his way with you, and you can become an animal.

Don’t reject Jesus – accept Him today!

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T. S. Candee

T. S. Candee works at Central Baptist Church as the Associate Pastor.


  • Carissa Candee
    Carissa Candee - reply

    This I such a good thought. Many times we forget that Christ does so much for us. Then we read about how Christ gave His sacred life and we feel guilty. We need to always be thinking and meditating on His goodness, on His graciousness, and on His love. The love of God never waivers, yet the love of man is like unto a candle’s flame.

    T. S. Candee - reply

    Very true! Thank you for your thoughts

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