Humility Gives Wings to Prayer

Humility Gives Wings to Prayer

By T. S. Candee on May 4, 2022 in The Power of Prayer

Humility does not have its eyes on self, but rather on God and others. God puts a great price on humility of heart. That which brings the praying soul near to God is humility of heart. That which gives wings to prayer is a humble mind.

Pride, self-esteem, and self-praise effectually shut the door of prayer. Approach God with humility and meekness – do not be puffed up with self-importance or overestimate your virtues and good works. It is better to be clothed with humility than with an expensive garment.

With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love

Ephesians 4:2
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T. S. Candee

T. S. Candee works at Central Baptist Church as the Media Director. He is also being mentored for full-time Christian service

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